Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Journey Continues

White water rafting in Costa Rica! 

Hello Everyone!

Thank you to everyone who is reading and continues to check out my stories from my study abroad! Since moving out to Wisconsin to start my job many things have changed but my passion for inspiring people and working to change other's lives has not. My next international trip is coming up soon (my most recent was Costa Rica, you can see in the pic above) and trust me another blog will be coming your way about my next set of international adventures!

Now I am writing about something a little different than international travel, I am writing about my biggest dream in life.The next step in me pursuing my life's dream has come in the form of a website. A simple blog made to inspire and motivate everyone to pursue their dreams.

My life's goal and my life's mission is simply this:

To inspire people to pursue their dreams and to enable them to make their dreams a reality.

I hope this site is able to do exactly that for you.

Check it out, and keep on living!
